20 April 2008

Mexico at New Years

So here are some pictures from our Mexico trip over new years. They remind me of warmer times and warmer climes - well, a little warmer.

I like this picture because to me it a typical desert scene - small stream of water, bright sun, cacti. Add a lizard or snake and you have it all.
We made a stop - on our way to San Javier Mission - to see some cave paintings. This little stream flowed into a large, crystal clear pool. Up stream of this particular spot was an oasis with palm trees and other water plants.

Toward the end of the trip we took a day trip north to Bahia Conception. We wanted to kayak or do some other water sport but ended up just sitting on the beach eating lunch. However, it was a beautiful day.
This was taken on the side of the road just after we reached the south end of the bay. The saguaro went right down to the water's edge creating a very dramatic contrast between the green of the cacti and the deep blue of the water.

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