17 January 2011


I don't remember what day it was - it being vacation and all - but Tom, Meg, Jenny and I decided to take a day trip to Haleakala, the large mountain on the eastern side of the island. On our way there, we stopped at an overlook to view the whales. We saw some spray and splashes which would seem to indicate that there were large mammals out there somewhere.
Near the top of the mountain, there was short walk to view the crater. It was quite impressive. The clouds were floating past us a few hundred feet below us which give us a pretty clear view of the mountains on the big island.
Hey Jenny. Where is the Haleakala Crater? Any body else notice that Jenny is cold even in Maui?
I needed to commemorate the first time I was above 10,000 feet. We topped out at 10,023 feet. I kind of wish I had some pants.
Silver Sword grows only on Maui, or so I understand. The parking lot at the top had a lot of them in various stages of its lifespan.
Stay tuned.

14 January 2011

Maui Sunset

Let's start with a sunset from the southern coast of Maui. There weren't many evenings that presented a good sunset. It was either too cloudy or not cloudy enough. This evening was perfect.

The island on the horizon is Lana'i while the darker piece of land is the western end of Maui.

There are more coming. Stay tuned.